Airplane velocity

Airplane velocity#


An airplane is initially flying at an initial velocity of \(v_0 = 85 \ m/s\), when it starts accelerating horizontally by exerting a force of \(3000 \ N\). An aerospace engineer wants to know its instantaneous velocity, every second, for \(1\) minute. The equation of air resistance is \(F_{\text{air}} = kv^2\) with \(k = 0.24 \ \frac{kg}{m}\). The mass of the airplane is \(2000 \ kg\).

From physics we know that,

  1. \(v_i = v_{i-1} + a_{i-1}(t_i-t_{i-1})\)
  2. \(F_{\text{air},i} = k\cdot v_i^2\)
  3. \(F_{\text{R},i}=F - F_{\text{air},i} = m\cdot a_i\)

where \(t_i\) refers to the \(i\)-th time instant and in our case \(t_i-t_{i-1}=1\) s. Your task is to return v, a list containing the velocity of the plane at \(t = 0 \ s\), \(t = 1 \ s\), …, \(t = 60 \ s\). (Therefore, v should have \(61\) elements).


  • We start by importing numpy and defining the input variables to solve the problem.

import numpy as np

time = np.arange(0,61,1) # [s]

velocity = np.zeros(len(time))    
acceleration = np.zeros(len(time)) 

initial_velocity = 85 # [m/s]
velocity[0] = initial_velocity # [m/s]
force = 3000 # [N]
k = 0.24 # [kg/m]
airplane_mass = 2000 # [kg] 
  • We use the given equations to solve the problem. A for loop is used to compute the velocities.

for i in range(1,len(time)):
    velocity[i] = velocity[i-1] + acceleration[i-1]*(time[i]-time[i-1])
    air_resistance = k * velocity[i]**2
    resistance = force - air_resistance
    acceleration[i] = resistance / airplane_mass

print(f'The velocities in m/s are:\n {np.round(velocity,2)}' )
The velocities in m/s are:
 [ 85.    85.    85.63  86.25  86.86  87.45  88.04  88.61  89.16  89.71
  90.25  90.77  91.28  91.78  92.27  92.75  93.21  93.67  94.12  94.56
  94.98  95.4   95.81  96.21  96.6   96.98  97.35  97.71  98.07  98.41
  98.75  99.08  99.4   99.72 100.02 100.32 100.61 100.9  101.18 101.45
 101.71 101.97 102.22 102.47 102.71 102.94 103.17 103.4  103.61 103.82
 104.03 104.23 104.43 104.62 104.81 104.99 105.17 105.34 105.51 105.67


An airplane is initially flying at a speed of \(v_0 = 105\) m/s, when it starts accelerating horizontally by exerting a force of \(4000\) \(N\). The mass of the airplane is \(2500\) \(kg\). Compute the instantaneous speed, every second, for half of a minute and answer the following questions.

  • What is the acceleration of the plane at 30 seconds?

  • What is the velocity of the plane at 29 seconds?


Here are your tools to solve this exercise:

  • Import numpy and load the data set.

  • Define the input variables.

  • Use the given equations on the example to compute \(v\) and \(a\)

You can use the following numpy functions (but not limited to): np.arange(), np.zeros(), np.max(), np.where(), np.round(), len

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