11.1. Urban planning multi-stakeholder problem#

Python code for the urban planning multi-stakeholder design problem. Python code for the shopping mall design problem revisited non-linear example (Chapter 7.2).


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Import Packages#

This script is fairly similar to the non-linear shopping mall example. Only the preference functions for objective 1 and 2 are changed, together with the weights.

Note that the non-linear preference curves are created by using an interpolation function called pchip_interpolation.

import micropip
await micropip.install("urllib3 ")
await micropip.install("requests")

import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import pchip_interpolate

from genetic_algorithm_pfm import GeneticAlgorithm

Set Weights for Different Objectives#

Set weights for the different objectives.

w1 = .50 # Project developer
w2 = .50 # Municipality

def objective_p1(x1, x2, x3, x4):
    Objective to maximize the profit.

    :param x1: 1st design variable
    :param x2: 2nd design variable
    :param x3: 3rd design variable
    :param x4: 4th design variable
    :param x5: 5th design variable
    :param x6: 6th design variable
    return pchip_interpolate([3000, 3500, 4000], [0, 20, 100], (11.25 * x1 + 13.75 * x2 + 15 * x3 + 11.25 * x4))

def objective_p2(x1, x2, x3, x4):
    Objective to maximize the amount of affordable houses.

    :param x1: 1st design variable
    :param x2: 2nd design variable
    :param x3: 3rd design variable
    :param x4: 4th design variable
    :param x5: 5th design variable
    :param x6: 6th design variable
    return pchip_interpolate([100, 125, 160], [0, 50, 100], (x1 + x4))

def objective(variables):
    Objective function that is fed to the GA. Calles the separate preference functions that are declared above.

    :param variables: array with design variable values per member of the population. Can be split by using array
    :return: 1D-array with aggregated preference scores for the members of the population.
    # extract 1D design variable arrays from full 'variables' array
    x1 = variables[:, 0]
    x2 = variables[:, 1]
    x3 = variables[:, 2]
    x4 = variables[:, 3]

    # calculate the preference scores
    p_1 = objective_p1(x1, x2, x3, x4)
    p_2 = objective_p2(x1, x2, x3, x4)

    # aggregate preference scores and return this to the GA
    return [w1, w2], [p_1, p_2]

Define Constraints and Bounds#

Before we can run the optimization, we finally need to define the constraints and bounds.

def constraint_1(variables):
    """Constraint that at least 200 houses need to be built.

    :param variables: ndarray of n-by-m, with n the population size of the GA and m the number of variables.
    :return: list with scores of the constraint
    x1 = variables[:, 0]
    x2 = variables[:, 1]
    x3 = variables[:, 2]
    x4 = variables[:, 3]

    return -(x1 + x2 + x3 + x4) + 200  # < 0

def constraint_2(variables):
    """Constraint that no more than 260 can be built.

    :param variables: ndarray of n-by-m, with n the population size of the GA and m the number of variables.
    :return: list with scores of the constraint
    x1 = variables[:, 0]
    x2 = variables[:, 1]
    x3 = variables[:, 2]
    x4 = variables[:, 3]

    return x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 - 260  # < 0

def constraint_3(variables):
    """Constraint that the profit cannot be lower than where the preference function intersects the x-axis.

    :param variables: ndarray of n-by-m, with n the population size of the GA and m the number of variables.
    :return: list with scores of the constraint
    x1 = variables[:, 0]
    x2 = variables[:, 1]
    x3 = variables[:, 2]
    x4 = variables[:, 3]

    return -(11.25 * x1 + 13.75 * x2 + 15 * x3 + 11.25 * x4) + 3000  # < 0

def constraint_4(variables):
    """Constraint that the number of affordable houses cannot be lower than where the preference function intersects the x-axis.

    :param variables: ndarray of n-by-m, with n the population size of the GA and m the number of variables.
    :return: list with scores of the constraint
    x1 = variables[:, 0]
    x2 = variables[:, 1]
    x3 = variables[:, 2]
    x4 = variables[:, 3]

    return -(x1 + x4) + 100  # < 0

def constraint_5(variables):
    """Constraint that the profit cannot be higher than were the preference function is at 100.

    :param variables: ndarray of n-by-m, with n the population size of the GA and m the number of variables.
    :return: list with scores of the constraint
    x1 = variables[:, 0]
    x2 = variables[:, 1]
    x3 = variables[:, 2]
    x4 = variables[:, 3]

    return 11.25 * x1 + 13.75 * x2 + 15 * x3 + 11.25 * x4 - 4000  # < 0

def constraint_6(variables):
    """Constraint that the number of affordable houses cannot be higher than where the preference function is at 100.

    :param variables: ndarray of n-by-m, with n the population size of the GA and m the number of variables.
    :return: list with scores of the constraint
    x1 = variables[:, 0]
    x2 = variables[:, 1]
    x3 = variables[:, 2]
    x4 = variables[:, 3]

    return x1 + x4 - 150  # < 0

# define list with constraints
cons = [['ineq', constraint_1], ['ineq', constraint_2], ['ineq', constraint_3], ['ineq', constraint_4], ['ineq', constraint_5], ['ineq', constraint_6]]

# set bounds for all variables
b1 = [0, 260]  # x1
b2 = [0, 260]  # x2
b3 = [0, 260]  # x3
b4 = [0, 260]  # x4
bounds = [b1, b2, b3, b4]

Graphical Output#

Setup the graphical output.

# create arrays for plotting continuous preference curves
c1 = np.linspace(3000, 4000)
c2 = np.linspace(100, 160)

# calculate the preference functions
p1 = pchip_interpolate([3000, 3500, 4000], [0, 20, 100], (c1))
p2 = pchip_interpolate([100, 125, 160], [0, 50, 100], (c2))

# create figure that plots all preference curves and the preference scores of the returned results of the GA
fig = plt.figure(figsize=((10,5)))

font1 = {'size':20}
font2 = {'size':15}

plt.rcParams['font.size'] = '12'
plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 300

ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)
ax1.plot(c1, p1, label='Preference curve', color='black')

ax1.set_xlim((3000, 4000))
ax1.set_ylim((0, 102))
ax1.set_title('Project developer')
ax1.set_xlabel('Profit [$]')
ax1.set_ylabel('Preference score')
ax1.grid(linestyle = '--')

#fig = plt.figure()
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)
ax2.plot(c2, p2, label='Preference curve', color='black')
ax2.set_xlim((100, 160))
ax2.set_ylim((0, 102))
ax2.set_xlabel('Number of affordable houses [-]')
ax2.set_ylabel('Preference score')
ax2.grid(linestyle = '--')


#Two  lines to make our compiler able to draw:


Now we have everything for the optimization, we can run it. For more information about the different options to configure the GA, see the docstring of GeneticAlgorithm (via help()) or chapter 4 of the reader. Once we have the results, we can make some figures. First, the resulting design variables are plotted into the solution space. Secondly, we can plot the preference functions together with the results of the optimizations.

# We run the optimization with two paradigms
paradigm = ['minmax', 'a_fine']
marker = ['o', '*']
colours = ['orange','green']

# The figure and axes are defined before the loop
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))

ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)

for i in range(2):
    # make dictionary with parameter settings for the GA run with the IMAP solver
    options = {
        'n_bits': 8,
        'n_iter': 400,
        'n_pop': 500,
        'r_cross': 0.8,
        'max_stall': 8,
        'aggregation': paradigm[i], # minmax or tetra
        'var_type': 'real'
    # run the GA and print its result
    print(f'Run GA with ' + paradigm[i])
    ga = GeneticAlgorithm(objective=objective, constraints=cons, bounds=bounds, options=options)
    score_IMAP, design_variables_IMAP, _ = ga.run()

    print(f'Optimal result for x1 = {round(design_variables_IMAP[0], 2)} houses and ' 
          f'x2 = {round(design_variables_IMAP[1], 2)} houses and ' 
          f'x3 = {round(design_variables_IMAP[2], 2)} houses and ' 
          f'x4 = {round(design_variables_IMAP[3], 2)} houses')

    profit = round(11.25*design_variables_IMAP[0]+13.75*design_variables_IMAP[1]+15*design_variables_IMAP[2]+11.25*design_variables_IMAP[3])
    print(f'Profit: {profit}')

    # Calculate individual preference scores for the GA results
    c1_res = (11.25*design_variables_IMAP[0]+13.75*design_variables_IMAP[1]+15*design_variables_IMAP[2]+11.25*design_variables_IMAP[3])
    p1_res = pchip_interpolate([3000, 3500, 4000], [0, 20, 100], (c1_res))

    c2_res = (design_variables_IMAP[0]+design_variables_IMAP[3])
    p2_res = pchip_interpolate([100, 125, 160], [0, 50, 100], (c2_res))

    # Debugging prints to check the calculated values
    print(f"c1_res: {c1_res}, p1_res: {p1_res}")
    print(f"c2_res: {c2_res}, p2_res: {p2_res}")

    # Plot the preference curves 
    if i == 0:  # Only plot curves once
        c1 = np.linspace(3000, 4000)
        c2 = np.linspace(100, 160)

        p1 = pchip_interpolate([3000, 3500, 4000], [0, 20, 100], c1)
        p2 = pchip_interpolate([100, 125, 160], [0, 50, 100], c2)

        ax1.plot(c1, p1, label='Preference curve', color='black')
        ax1.set_xlim((3000, 4000))
        ax1.set_ylim((0, 102))
        ax1.set_title('Project developer')
        ax1.set_xlabel('Profit [$]')
        ax1.set_ylabel('Preference score')

        ax2.plot(c2, p2, label='Preference curve', color='black')
        ax2.set_xlim((100, 160))
        ax2.set_ylim((0, 102))
        ax2.set_xlabel('Number of affordable houses [-]')
        ax2.set_ylabel('Preference score')

    # Scatter the results on the preference curve plots
    ax1.scatter(c1_res, p1_res, label='Optimal solution ' + paradigm[i], color= colours[i], marker=marker[i])
    ax2.scatter(c2_res, p2_res, label='Optimal solution ' + paradigm[i], color=colours[i], marker=marker[i])

# Add legends and adjust layout after plotting all data points

# Display the plot
Run GA with minmax
The type of aggregation is set to minmax
Generation   Best score   Mean             Max stall    Diversity    Number of non-feasible results
0            47.5116      464333333.5247   0            0.01         498         
1            45.5153      205333348.9763   0            0.161        337         
2            42.374       176000020.4041   0            0.098        280         
3            42.374       71333362.3849    1            0.154        171         
4            42.374       44000035.3316    2            0.229        86          
5            42.374       43000036.4115    3            0.235        72          
6            42.374       50000034.6685    4            0.233        92          
7            42.374       46000034.6498    5            0.237        92          
8            42.374       42000035.8577    6            0.238        78          
9            42.374       48333368.0977    7            0.238        91          
10           42.374       39000036.2855    8            0.238        73          
Stopped at gen 10
Execution time was 0.5259 seconds
Optimal result for x1 = 29.45 houses and x2 = 45.7 houses and x3 = 102.58 houses and x4 = 82.27 houses
Profit: 3424
c1_res: 3423.92578125, p1_res: 15.25202344053984
c2_res: 111.71875, p2_res: 25.152254804909152
Run GA with a_fine
The type of aggregation is set to a_fine
Generation   Best score   Mean             Max stall    Diversity    Number of non-feasible results
No initial starting point for the optimization with the a-fine-aggregator is given. A random population is generated.
0            -98.71       470999999.4096   1            0.008        497         
1            -32.5458     198666655.6162   1            0.085        317         
2            -38.2915     174999984.2193   1            0.121        279         
3            -39.675      72999970.705     1            0.224        118         
4            -27.848      55666644.8173    2            0.234        102         
5            -29.4085     59999976.4348    3            0.236        93          
6            -53.9272     53999954.8926    4            0.236        81          
7            -32.6866     59666640.1293    5            0.235        91          
8            -100.0       39666633.2555    6            0.24         65          
9            -28.3724     47666646.6516    7            0.238        71          
10           -52.325      51666622.5357    8            0.24         77          
Stopped at gen 10
Execution time was 0.7833 seconds
Optimal result for x1 = 66.02 houses and x2 = 20.31 houses and x3 = 93.44 houses and x4 = 80.23 houses
Profit: 3326
c1_res: 3326.171875, p1_res: 9.69461488723755
c2_res: 146.25, p2_res: 82.87861777721768