Assignment 1#


In this assignment, we consider the behaviour of a soil layer which is subject to loading applied at the top. As shown in Figure 1, the load consists of a (temporary) soil body of very large size (in x and y directions), which allows to assume that there is no change in loading conditions in the horizontal directions, and neither in the response. Therefore, a 1‐dimensional model will suffice to predict the response of the soil layer, with only the z direction represented.


Fig. 1 Figure1#

It is noted that plane‐strain condition applies (see Lecture 3). Due to the invariance of the load and of the structure, however, not only the strains in the \(y\) direction are zero, but also the ones in the \(x\) direction. This situation is referred to as uni‐axial strain.

The soil layer is characterized by constant material properties \(\rho\), \(E\), and \(\nu\), which are the mass density, the Young’s modulus and the Poisson’s ratio, respectively. The self‐weight of the layer is initially neglected, but it is accounted for in question 11. The thickness of the layer is denoted as L.

We assume that the soil layer rests on a bedrock (initially rigid, later on flexible), which prevents or elastically restrains displacements at the bottom of the layer. The magnitude of the loading (i.e., vertical stress) at the surface is denoted as \(p_0\)​.

Question 1#

First the equation of motion governing the behaviour of the soil layer has to be determined as well as the boundary conditions.

Question 2#

Question 3#

Question 4#

Question 5#

Question 6#

Question 7#

Question 8#

Question 9#

Question 10#

Question 11#