Section 2: The Gate Keepers and the Green Wave.

Section 2: The Gate Keepers and the Green Wave.#

Question 17#

We are going to further investigate what happens at the front of the race. Let’s start with the river flow. Imagine now we have a gate every \(200 \mathrm{m}\) (like traffic signals at intersections).

Question 18#

Question 19#

By using similar (but more advance as \(T\) is now in the middle of the rarefaction waves) technique as in Q5, it is possible to calculate the time required for one vehicle (cumulative flow value equal to 1) to completely cross each intersection after the front wave has passed. The values are \(4.1 \mathrm{s}, 5 \mathrm{s}, 5.7 \mathrm{s}, 6.4 \mathrm{s}\) for the intersections at \(x = 400\), \(600\), \(800\), and \(1000 \mathrm{m}\) respectively.

Question 20#